Waking up early and transforming your routines to fit the morning can be an amazing change in your life, especially if you are a teenager. However, I’m sure you’ve heard this before, but why? What are the benefits of waking up early? Why is it encouraged so much, and how does it end up transforming your life?
1. Gain An Improved Sleep Schedule
When you start waking up early, you realize that you are more inclined to sleep earlier. This sorcery is part of a well-known concept known as fatigue. Waking up early means that you are cutting that “extra” sleep you gain by sleeping those two hours more. This means that by the end of the day, your body wants those hours of sleep back as fast as possible. This is why you want to wake up earlier because sleeping early is scientifically known to help better your sleep schedule.
Moreover, it’s great to maintain a regular sleep schedule. This is because if you’re someone who has no clue what time they’ll be sleeping tonight and is always scrambling in the morning, you won’t be getting enough energy to go through the day. Hence, this can reflect negative results throughout the day because you won’t be at your best, so waking up early will be able to fix that.
2. Increase Overall Productivity
One of the biggest reasons why waking up early is so popular among successful people is the fact that it can help increase your overall productivity. When you wake up early, you realize that a lot of the time you don’t have is suddenly available! So you can complete essential tasks, certain chores, tedious work, or even study for a test you might have that day! Waking up early is amazing for your daily productivity and you’ll start to see that you’re making the most of your time when you make this a daily habit.
Now, this doesn’t mean that if you wake up and just stay in bed re-watching Friends, you can implement productivity in your schedule. To successfully implement and increase daily productivity in your life, it is essential that you be intentional and make yourself get up and do work that you have to do (or are procrastinating on). But remember, all of this is a choice you have to make. So do what’s best for you.
3. Allow Your Brain To Absorb Information
It is scientifically proven that waking up early allows your brain to absorb information better. When I am scared about a big science test that I have tomorrow, my mom advises me to wake up early and study in the morning rather than the night before. This is because, in the morning, your brain excels at tasks involving memory. These tasks involve our overall ability to recall facts, details, specific information, concepts, etc. These tasks are known as declarative memory tasks, and most of the time, they are the biggest part of informational exams and tests.
Do note, if you’re someone who isn’t consistent with waking up early yet, I advise you to make this a habit before trying it out for a big test or exam. If you end up oversleeping in the morning even after sleeping early, I recommend trying again the next day because persistence and resilience are key to developing this habit.